Keep Your Home Ready For Warm Weather With Air Conditioning Repair In St. Augustine

by | Feb 28, 2023 | Air Conditioning

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HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) systems are one of the most expensive appliance purchases you can make for your home. This is in part because they serve multiple purposes. The indoor portion of the system handles the winter heating as well as distributing the cooler air through the home during warm weather. The exterior condensing unit is an extension of the air conditioner. It’s function is to draw heat from the home using the condensed refrigerant that pumps throughout the system. This coolant is pushed through the external coils so that the heat is released into the atmosphere.

Sometimes, when your HVAC needs Air Conditioning Repair in St. Augustine the problem may be coming from the condensing unit. This device can take a lot of abuse sitting outside the home. For example, most air conditioning condensers are left uncovered and exposed to the elements. They are designed for this type of exposure, but as they age and the system shifts and settles in place the seams might develop leaks. These leaks can easily allow water or even ice to get on the internal electronics. Even heavy duty electronic components. such as those inside an air conditioner, can short out if the moisture builds up in the wrong place.

One of the best things any family can do to prevent unnecessary Air Conditioning Repair in St. Augustine is have your HVAC specialist perform regular maintenance on your system. As the owner there are a few things you can do as well such as clean the filter and brush the cooling coils. It also helps to keep the external condensing unit free from grass, weeds, debris or any possible obstructions. Even an enclosed condenser needs to be checked to ensure there are no obstructions.

Many air conditioning repairs are related to the electronic systems that are now used to increase performance. While these are often easy repairs it helps to inform the service company of the make and model you own. Smart companies like Superior Service keep people on call twenty four hours a day to ensure your information gets collected properly and the technicians are as prepared as possible when they arrive at your home.

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