Keep the Chill at Bay This Winter – While Going Easy on Your HVAC System!

by | Dec 6, 2023 | Air Conditioners

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Keeping your HVAC system from getting too stressed in the winter can help prolong its life. Not only will this keep your system working longer, but it will also improve its function. This can help you keep your family warm for many years to come.

Not sure how to reduce the stress you put on your HVAC system? Here are a few ways to keep warm without turning up the temperature – and reduce the work you make your system do when the weather outside gets frightful this winter:

Block the Breeze

Do you find that air enters your home through door and window cracks? These tiny gaps may not seem like a big deal, but you can lose a lot of heat when they are left unchecked.

By blocking off these cracks or sealing rarely used windows for the season, you will prevent losing valuable heat. Just be sure that you can still exit rooms safely in case of a fire.

Let the Sun Shine – But Keep It Out at Night

Letting in the sunshine in winter can help warm your home without dialing up the thermostat. To keep the winter chill out, though, seal those curtains or draw those blinds once the sun goes down. This will help keep the heat inside where it belongs on long, cold nights.

Get Your System Evaluated Before Winter Hits

The best way to keep your system from working too hard is to ensure that it is always in good working order. Having your system serviced regularly can prevent small issues from becoming big – and expensive – problems later.

To find out how well your system is currently working, contact a provider of heating services in or near Terra Haute. Local professionals can help you better understand the regional demands that your system will be under this winter – and how to ensure that you are prepared.

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