Keep Your Home Safe with Rodent Control Service in Middletown NJ

by | Jun 25, 2018 | Pest Control

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A home is the one place where a family should feel safe, secure, and comfortable. Unfortunately, there are a variety of pests that can invade a home and threaten the safety and comfort of a family. Some of these pests can even pose health risks to family members and pets. It is important, at the first sign of an infestation, to seek help in removing these invaders. Rodent Control Services in Middletown NJ can safely remove many types of pests that can create risks for a home.

Risks of a rodent infestation

Rodents can make their way inside a home and create a plethora of problems. They will chew through materials of the home to gain entry and to make their nests. This can cause severe damage to the structure of the home, as well as pose risks to electrical lines and other wiring and insulation in the home. Their droppings and urine can create risks of mold growth and disease. They can also carry parasites that pose risks to family pets. Immediate removal is necessary when a rodent is found in the home.

Signs of a rodent problem

It may not always be apparent that a rodent or other animal has made its home inside a house. Fortunately, there are somethings to watch for that can help in quickly removing these pests from the home. Finding holes or chew marks on various areas of the home, inside or out, could be a sign of a rodent. Hearing sounds of chewing or walking in the walls or attic are also a big sign of a rodent problem. Another often missed sign of a rodent problem is fleas in the home when their are no pets.

Getting help with the rodent problem

Whether an infestation is known or suspected, Rodent Control Service in Middletown NJ can help. The trained team will inspect the entire home and remove any pests safely from the property. They will then identify their point of entry, as well as locate any other vulnerable areas of the home. The removal experts will then provide options and suggestions to prevent the rodents from returning.

Rodents can cause a lot of issues in the home and can be especially dangerous for those who are very young, very old, or with compromised immune systems. Companies, such as Freehold Pest Control, offer a variety of services for removing rodents and a variety of other pests.

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