Is a Truck Driver Blaming You for an Accident? Here’s What to Do

by | Jul 29, 2019 | Law

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Commercial vehicle accidents are chaotic events that may bring strong emotions for everyone involved. A driver may worry about losing his or her job, and they may blame you to hide their own misdeeds. Don’t let it happen or you could lose thousands in compensation. Our team of motor vehicle accident lawyers in Joliet will help you answer liability questions and find out who was really responsible. Here, you’ll learn what to do if a truck driver tries to blame you for an accident.

Remain Calm

When you’re being blamed for an accident you didn’t cause, the best thing to do is to remain calm. If you’re still at the accident scene, just wait for the police to arrive. If the driver still wants to argue the point after the accident, decline to discuss it further and contact an auto accident attorney.

Consult Witnesses

Another important step to take is to contact those who may have seen the accident. Get their names, addresses, email addresses, and phone numbers so your attorney can follow up with them. Ask them to make written statements that are as detailed as possible. Witness statements are a crucial component of an accident case, as witnesses are considered uninterested, neutral parties. If you’re having trouble getting witnesses’ statements, motor vehicle accident lawyers in Joliet can help.

Get a Police Report

When officers arrive at the accident scene, they’ll take statements from witnesses and involved parties. The report will note the accident’s basic facts and it will include the officers’ assessment of how it happened. You won’t get a copy automatically; you’ll have to request it and pick it up in person.

Speak to an Attorney

Motor vehicle accident lawyers in Joliet can help you find out who’s responsible for your accident. With their legal knowledge and case experience, they will protect your rights and put liability where it belongs. Call the firm of Block, Klukas, Manzella & Shell, P.C. to request a consultation or visit for more details.

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