Living with a teen is not always an easy thing to do. Teens have a lot of things going on in their lives and often times they may seem sullen, surly, angry, impatient, and just plain rude. Sometimes living with a teen and dealing with all of their teen angst might make you feel like you are going to lose it. Thankfully most teens are able to get through adolescence with minimal problems and parents and teens survive relatively unscathed. However, sometimes there is more to your teen’s turbulent behavior than it seems. Sometimes there are deeper issues going on that require the help of a professional with knowledge about adolescent mental health in Minneapolis. If you think that your teens’ moods are more serious than typical teen torment then you need to find help. Here are a few things to look for.
1. Depression – almost all teens go through periods of depression and sadness. With changing hormones, increasing stress at school, and shifting friendships and cliques it is no wonder teens often feel overwhelmed and sad. This is normal. If your teen is displaying unusually long periods of sadness that is more intense and frequent than normal or can’t seem to get over their depression you need to find help.
2. Cutting – if you ever see any unusual scars get help immediately. Some teens cut themselves to relieve stress. This is incredibly dangerous and you need to find an adolescent mental health Minneapolis professional immediately.
3. Drug and Alcohol Use – if your teen is abusing drugs or alcohol they may be trying to overcome a mental health problem the only way they know how to.
4. Withdrawal from family and friends – all teens go through periods of moodiness from time to time. This is normal teen behavior. But if your teen is withdrawing from everyone he or she knows and loves and increasingly wants to be left alone you need to get help for them. Secluding yourself away is not ok and may be symptomatic of an underlying problem.
5. Violent mood swings – If your teen is excessive anger and has violent mood swings you will need to find a professional to assess them.
6. Eating problems – teens are very susceptible to peer pressure and outside influences. This is especially true of girls who feel the need to fit in and be as thin as the models that they see in their favorite magazines. If you notice dramatic weight loss in your teen or they begin to exhibit unhealthy eating habits find them help as soon as you can.
If you suspect that your teen might have a problem that requires the help of a professional doesn’t delay in seeking out assistance. For more information about programs for adolescent mental health in Minneapolis please visit “Company Name”.