When your eyesight begins to fail, there will be warning signs that indicate that you need to get your eyes examined. Do not delay or procrastinate when these signs first appear, as your vision can deteriorate more if you don’t acknowledge that you may have a problem. To be on the safe side, it is recommended that everyone should have an annual eye exam, starting at a very early age. The American Optometric Association suggests that the eye exam should be carried out on a child as soon as possible .
There are a number of warning signs that your vision is deteriorating; if your vision blurs or you have difficulty with night vision, then you should get an exam. This is also true if one sees little floating spots in front of their eyes, finds it hard to read or has very tired eyes at the end of the day. Frequent headaches are also a sign that seeing the eye doctors in Woodbridge VA is important.
There are a number of problems that can cause a person to need corrective lenses, one example is nearsightedness. When one is nearsighted they can see perfectly well when they are close to the object they wish to see but they have difficulty in seeing objects at a distance. A sure sign of nearsightedness is repetitive squinting and difficulty in watching television from across the room, they may also experience difficulty in reading road signs.
On the other hand, people who are farsighted have to use their accommodation both for distance as well as for reading .When one is farsighted, often the eyes water and become very tired and it may be hard to work on a computer as the monitor is too close to recognize the writing.
When eye doctors in Woodbridge VA diagnose someone with astigmatism these individuals will not be able to see clearly both close up and at a distance.
When you recognize that you have one of these conditions the eye doctor will run a series of tests using various pieces of specialized equipment. When he or she has completed the testing and has confirmed the need for glasses, a prescription will be written and once filled, will bring the patients eyesight back to normalcy.
If you are having difficulty seeing then you may need glasses.Eye doctors in Woodbridge VA can confirm that a problem exists; contact My Vision Care without delay.