How to Find the Ideal Temperature for Meeting Rooms Rental in Urbana IL

by | Mar 1, 2016 | Business

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When hosting a meeting, the main goal of the planner is to make sure that all of the people who attended is as productive and comfortable as possible. However, in some cases, the main issue that affects both comfort and productivity in a Meeting Rooms Rental in Urbana IL is the temperature. Some of those who are present are too hot while others feel too cold. Extremes in either of these directions can affect efficiency, output and mood of those who are there. While the ideal temperature can be based on a person’s personal preference, there is a bit of science behind it as well.

A recent study discovered that when the temperature in an office or in a meeting rooms rental in Urbana IL was increased from 68 degrees Fahrenheit to 77 degrees Fahrenheit, total typing errors were reduced by as much as 44 percent, and overall typing output was raised by as much as 150 percent. This suggests that those who are working are able to be more productive and more focused when the environment is warmer. This seems like a pretty easy fix, right?

The answer is, not necessarily. Another study that was done by the Helsinki University of Technology showed that a person’s performance increased when the room’s temperature was between 69 degrees and 71.6 degrees and decreased when the temperature reached more than 75.2 degrees. In this study, it was concluded by the researchers that the ultimate temperature for superior productivity was 71.6 degrees Fahrenheit.

While this may not provide an end-all solution for every meeting that is hosted, it does provide those in charge with a starting point to ensure that everyone who attends is not only comfortable but also as productive as possible. There is no way to fairly set the temperature based on one person’s preferences, which is why a better option is to use science, such as the studies that are highlighted here.

When it comes to hosting a meeting, consider getting in contact with the professionals from BTC Services. Doing this will help ensure that all the features, amenities and accommodations that are needed, are met. The professionals here are also trained to ensure each meeting hosted goes off as seamlessly and as productively as possible.

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