If you are planning your next Trade Show Exhibit Displays, an essential thing you need to consider is what you will giveaway. What are you going to give to your booth visitors when they come in and see what you have to offer? While you know that you need to include your contact information on the item you giveaway, you may not know what will make the most effective product giveaway. Some tips to help you determine this are highlighted here.
Avoid Disposable Products
While it may be tempting to purchase the affordable, disposable promotional items, the fact is that this is not good use of your marketing dollars. The most effective items will be the ones that your visitors can use every day, such as coasters, magnets, mugs or pens.
Don’t Forget Loyal Customers
Before your planned event, you should send out direct mail or emails to your existing customers to let them know they will receive a free gift if they come by the display at the trade show. These are the ones who are keeping your business going, so you need to ensure they are included.
Take Time to Qualify Your Recipients
When you display at a trade show, there will be a number of people who simply come to get as much free stuff as they possibly can, without any intention of giving you their business. It is essential that you ask various questions before giving away any promotional item to determine how interested they are in the services or products your offer.
Buy Smart Rather than Cheap
Simply because you have a startup or small business, or a small budget for promotional products, it does not mean that you should give away cheap items at your booth. No matter your budget, you should shop around and find products that are both affordable and offer a good quality.
No matter the type of display you are using – from truss systems, tabletop displays or banner stands – you need to keep in mind that a quality giveaway will help your booth be remembered. In fact, one that can be reused each day will ensure they are reminded of your company and what you have to offer, increasing the likelihood that they will do business with you in the future. Taking your time to do this will pay off in the long run.
If you are trying to create unique Trade Show Exhibit Displays, visit the Structure website for more information.