How Living Arrangements Can Affect Your Chicago, IL Disability Claim

by | Jan 20, 2023 | Lawyers

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Most people applying for Social Security Disability don’t realize that their living arrangements can affect the outcome of their claim. It seems strange that having a partner or roommate, not to mention children, would have any impact on a claim, but it does. Find out when can your living arrangements affect the outcome of your disability claim.

Can Your Living Arrangements Affect the Outcome of Your Disability Claim?

Yes, it can. There are a couple of different ways your claim may be affected. One, those living with you could actually affect your claim for the positive by reporting and confirming what you face with your disability every day. That’s a good thing.

Two, the opposite is also true. Three, if you are married and your spouse makes a significant income well above the federal poverty guidelines in Illinois, your case may be thrown out based on the concept that your spouse is able to pay for your care. Illinois disability lawyers can help.

Four, even if you are granted benefits, Social Security may dock you quite a bit of money each month based on the income of your spouse or other household members. Five, if you have children who are negatively impacted by your disability, you may be approved. Finally, six, if you are approved, your benefits may be split equally among you, your spouse, and your other dependents (i.e., children).

There are so many factors at play here that you should consult with Illinois disability lawyers Jeffrey A. Rabin & Associates, Ltd. Today.

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