Home Tips: Signs You Need Siding Replacement in Post Falls, ID

by | Apr 12, 2024 | Home Improvement

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Siding does a great job protecting your home from the elements. Still, after so much wear and tear, there comes a time for Siding replacement in Post Falls, ID. Here are some signs it’s time to call a siding company for help.

Damaged Siding

This is the most obvious sign you need siding replacement. Damaged siding happens from storms, flying debris from yard work, and many other things. Sometimes, when a single panel becomes damaged, you can get away with replacing only the panel. However, if there’s extensive damage or the contractor can’t match the color, complete replacement is usually the best option.

Excessive Mold

Mold grows on siding over time, and it’s not always a problem. Sometimes, you can wash it off, and that’s the end of the conversation. Other times, when mold keeps coming back in a short time, this signals a moisture problem. You need a siding professional to investigate the problem and determine if the siding is protecting your home.

It’s Severely Faded

Sun and wind exposure can cause the siding to weather and fade. When the siding’s excessively faded, it’s a sign that its weatherproofing element is no longer working. Replace the siding soon to prevent more serious problems from arising.

Schedule a Siding Inspection

You need a trained eye to evaluate your siding’s condition. Professionals can spot potential problems much better than homeowners with no training. If you think you need siding replacement in Post Falls, ID, get in touch with Direct Siding at Directsiding.com.

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