Helpful Information About Egg Freezing in San Francisco, CA

by | Feb 7, 2021 | Health

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Childbearing is an issue most women deal with. For some women who want to have children in her future, the present time is not the always the best time or preferable. When this is the case, a person may want to consider Egg Freezing in San Francisco, CA. The following information will give more insight into this treatment. It’s important to remember that any details mentioned here should be checked out with a qualified doctor before using them as a basis for making decisions on childbearing.

A woman’s reproductive time is restricted. It is determined by the number of oocytes a woman with which a she is born. Having a child is something some women choose to put off for personal or professional reasons. A woman may be having a surgery to remove her ovaries and want to preserve her oocytes for future use. Some women have moral objections to storing a frozen embryo. For others, freezing a fertilized egg is unnatural. Some women have a disease and medical situations that make childbearing difficult at the moment.

Before a woman is considered a candidate for Egg Freezing in San Francisco, CA, she will be given a thorough examination by a gynecologist. Part of this examination may include X-rays and other clinical tests. It must be determined that a woman’s oocytes can survive the deep freezing and thawing procedures. A woman will also be tested for infectious diseases.

When a woman is ready to use her frozen eggs, they will be thawed out in a laboratory using safe guidelines to protect the oocytes from harm. They will then be fertilized and implanted into the woman. Successful implantation into the woman’s uterus is necessary to help a woman get pregnant. This procedure is often repeated when previous attempts were not successful.

Egg freezing gives a woman the chance to have a child when the time is right. This will enable a woman to not make rash decisions due to the fact that her reproductive life is finite. For more information on this fertility treatment, a person can talk to a professional at Laurel Fertility Care. This fertility clinic can handle many treatments including ovulation induction, fertility preservation, and third party reproduction. Visiting will help a person garner more information as well.

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