Handling a Honey Bee Swarm in Dublin, OH

by | Mar 12, 2019 | Animal Removal

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Honey bees are necessary, as they perform vital tasks to keep the environment running smoothly. Not only do they pollinate many plants but they also produce wax and honey. For this reason, the honey bee population cannot and should not be eliminated. Nevertheless, there are times when these flying insects become a nuisance or a health threat. This is especially true when one encounters a honey bee swarm in Dublin OH. Why do bees do this and what should be done in this situation?

Why Bees Swarm

Honey bees naturally swarm when developing a colony. They use this as a method of propagating when a colony becomes too crowded. This behavior is frequently seen during the late spring months and in the early summer. Often, the bees swarm during the warmer parts of the day. A swarm may consist of several hundred bees or it may run into the thousands, and the swarm tends to fly around briefly before clustering on a shrub, tree limb, or another stationary object. They then remain in place for sometimes as long as a few days. When they find a new location they like, they move to that location and create a new colony.

Are Swarms Dangerous?

In most cases, a bee swarm isn’t dangerous. They eat before swarming, and this decreases their ability to sting. Furthermore, they are less defensive when away from their nest and won’t typically sting unless they are provoked. Simply avoid them if possible. However, in the event they choose to swarm in a public area, it’s time to seek professional help in relocating the bees.

Wildlife Control Company, Inc. can be of great help in dealing with a honey bee swarm in Dublin OH. People often assume they should not pay a fee, as the bees can be rehomed with a beekeeper. Sadly, this often isn’t the case. The bees that are swarming may have one or more diseases that can decimate a colony. For this reason, those who do remove swarms do so for a price. Be prepared to pay this fee when the company arrives. The fee is well worth protecting your health in this situation.

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