Life throws a fun little curveball, such as a daughter moving back in for a year after an unexpected divorce, or the wife gets unexpectantly pregnant long after the first child. This is part of the excitement of life, but it is also part of its financial unpredictability. Financial Advisors in Des Moines suggest that individuals revisit their retirement accounts every five years. Life changes directly, such as the examples above. But, the economy changes dramatically as well. These two constantly evolving and adjusting principles of investing can alter the course of a retirement profile entirely.
Below are two key examples of how shifting the retirement profile around with a team of financial advisors services in Des Moines at Private Asset Advisory Group LLC could alter the finances and make a striking difference in how prosperous retirement ends up being.
The Real Estate PUSH
Some mutual fund profiles are designed entirely around real estate buys. Some IRA’s specialize in this type of approach. The accumulation of property has a nice tag to it. When an individual purchases real estate, they are also purchasing a job. They have to fix the property or manage it. Now a property manager could handle the latter task, but regardless, real estate investing can keep someone busy at 65 + if they choose to be. This could be an excellent course for an individual healthy enough and antsy enough to build a business.
The Pre-65 Plan
A marriage late in life? An industry collapse left the entire staff out of a job? These massive life adjustments require a real strong look at the current retirement profile. That could mean a retirement before 65.
This is entirely possible, especially if the retirement plans go far back. If the account holder has held some good practices in their life, they can make some changes to retire earlier than expected. This is common if someone has been in the same industry for decades and it has shifted entirely in the Internet age. Financial Advisors in Des Moines can cater the profile to accommodate an early retirement that fits life’s unpredictable ways. Click here for more details.