To legally drive a car in most states, not only do you need a valid driver’s license, but you need to have car insurance as well. Most states only require liability coverage, but if you finance a car, the loan company will usually demand you carry comprehensive insurance. In North Carolina, drivers must carry liability insurance with certain monetary limits to legally drive in the state.
Insurance Coverage Requirements
In NC, having car insurance fulfills the legal requirement of being able to pay for any injuries and damages resulting from an accident deemed your fault. Insurance companies offering services like liability insurance policies and consultants can help cover those costs. However, the policy must carry minimum liability costs.
The minimum amounts the state requires a liability insurance policy to have are:
* $30,000 per person per accident for bodily injury claims.
* $60,000 total per accident for bodily injury coverage.
* $25,000 per accident for property damage claims.
Since the cost of another vehicle can easily surpass $25,000 and medical costs can quickly climb past $30,000 for serious injuries, companies like the Ewing Insurance Agency will usually recommend carrying more coverage so you will not pay out-of-pocket if the claim exceeds your policy’s limits.
To obtain more information about getting the right insurance coverage, call them at 704-861-0177. Along with offering consumer liability insurance policies and consultants in Belmont, NC, they offer commercial insurance policies, life insurance, and home insurance too.
Optional Policies
Although the state does not require anything more than liability coverage, if you are financing a vehicle, then the lender may require either a collision or comprehensive insurance policy. These policies cover expenses for both you and the other party involved in the accident.
To get more information on car insurance coverage, contact Ewing Insurance Agency Inc offering liability insurance policies and consultants that can help you select the right coverage. You can pay a visit to Facebook page for more information!