Fresh Sockeye Salmon for Sale in Santa Cruz, California? Yes, Please!

by | Jul 14, 2022 | Business

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There’s nothing like salmon to round out a healthy meal. Fish is one of the best foods to eat, regardless of what medical or health conditions you have, and in California, it’s one of the perks of living so close to the ocean. In Santa Cruz, fishing boats come in daily with fresh fish for purchase. Sockeye salmon for sale in Santa Cruz CA is so popular that you have to get up with the fishermen to get your fish before it’s sold out. Once you have purchased your sockeye salmon for sale in Santa Cruz, CA, you can eat it one of two popular ways.

Baked, with a Hint of Lemon and Dill or Parsley

Salmon has a strong flavor. If it’s caught while still in the ocean waters, it tends to be saltier. If it’s caught as it migrates up Alaskan streams for spawning, the freshwater flavor dominates. Either way, you are going to want to bake it or broil it with just a hint of seasoning to let the salmon flavor ring true. A hint of lemon with a dill sauce or a sprinkling of parsely is very nice.


Smoked salmon has been a staple of indigenous peoples for centuries. It is one way to preserve the fish and make it safe for consumption without really cooking it fully. Smoked sockeye salmon at a brunch table can’t be beat, and when the salmon itself is less than a few days old out of waters, it is even better.

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