Fighting For The Rights Of Seniors Through A Nursing Home Attorney

by | May 16, 2015 | Lawyers

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Nursing home abuse and neglect are heinous crimes that occur everyday in the U.S. Unfortunately, a larger spectrum of victims are incapacitated and unable to speak for themselves. For this reason, no one is held accountable for these crimes and the victim suffers in silence.

Fighting for the Rights of Victims

To report nursing home abuse and neglect, your first step is to protect your loved one. You have the right to remove your loved one from a nursing facility at any time. You don’t have to provide a reason. All you must do is sign them out to indicate that you are taking responsibility for them. If the nursing home administrator refuses to allow you to remove your loved one, you should contact law enforcement immediately. The next step is to take your loved one to a doctor for further evaluation.

Identifying the Type of Abuse

The doctor will examine your loved one to determine the type of abuse sustained. While physical abuse is the most predominant form of abuse, you should ensure that your loved one wasn’t abused sexually. The findings of the examination allow you to document each form of abuse and submit a complete claim in court. Any biological evidence can help law enforcement authorities to connect the offender to the crime. Once identified, the individual is charged according to New York laws.

Discussing Your Case with An Attorney

A Nursing Home Attorney helps you to record the evidence of the abuse or neglect. They utilize this evidence to prepare your claim. The attorney files a report with the correct authorities to launch an investigation. These authorities determine if formal charges are made. However, you will file a civil claim against the nursing home through your attorney.

Nursing home abuse occurs daily. Unfortunately, some cases aren’t reported properly, and actions aren’t taken against offenders. At any time that you suspect that your loved one is the victim of nursing home abuse, you should remove them from the facility. They are in immediate danger, and your action is vital to their well-being. To hire a Nursing Home Attorney, contact Mark Aberasturi today.

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