Obtaining and maintaining a beautiful smile takes a great deal more than brushing and flossing each day. Some people are not blessed with perfect alignment and spacing, some have a more difficult battle against decay, and others may be working toward rejuvenating their smile with implants and cosmetic procedures. No matter what is keeping your smile from perfection, you are sure to get the assistance and care you need from a Family Dentist in Evanston.
When alignment and spacing are an issue, orthodontic measures can be taken to fix the problem. Braces, Invisalign treatments, and retainers can all be used to realign teeth to create the perfect smile you dream of. This can be a slow and tedious process, but if you take the time to care for your teeth while the braces or other alignment processes are working, the finished product will be well worth your efforts.
If you suffer from a decaying tooth that has become infected, a root canal and crown may be an option for you. During this procedure, the dentist will remove the decay, clean out the infection, and place a post where your natural root used to be. This will then be covered with a crown that looks as natural as your natural tooth did.
Missing teeth can become a problem over the years. Allowing gaps to remain in your mouth can cause the rest of your teeth to begin to shift, can make chewing food less efficient and can cause the bones in your mouth to become unhealthy and shrink. Implants can work magic to restore a smile missing one or all of the teeth. A post is put in place, then healing time lapses, and finally, a crown is put on the post to give you the perfect solution to your missing tooth or teeth.
Preventative measures that are taken can help you avoid having to go through root canal and implant procedures. If you take care of your teeth properly, you better your chances of making it through your life with your natural teeth. A family dentist in Evanston can help you care for your teeth with regular cleanings and care.
To learn more about, visit Stephens Dentistry what procedures are available to assist in obtaining and maintaining your smile.