Essential Questions To Ask A Medical Marijuana Doctor In Clearwater, FL

by | Jan 28, 2022 | Marijuana

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The first appointment with a medical marijuana doctor in Clearwater, FL, is important for those new to the use of medical marijuana. In dispensaries across the state, the number and options of medical marijuana products can be overwhelming, and it is ultimately the patient’s decision which ones to purchase and use.

In addition, every dispensary will have different products, brands, and options to consider. Talking with your medical marijuana doctor helps to have a clear picture of what options are best for you based on the specific medical or psychological conditions experienced with the diagnosis.

Ask for Options

A medical marijuana doctor can answer questions and make suggestions as to formulations or types of medical marijuana products that you may want to consider. For example, vaping offers a more comfortable method for use than smoking for many patients. Concentrates and tinctures or oils may be a better selection for those who may need to take medical marijuana throughout the day.

There are also capsules and topicals to consider. Your MMJ doctor in Clearwater, FL can provide insight into the benefits and potential side effects of the various options.

How Often to Use

A very common question for people using medical marijuana for the first time is how often to use and how much to use at one time. This is another area where your medical marijuana doctor can provide insight.

In general, the recommendation is to use a very small amount and monitor how your body responds over the next few hours. Ideally, use only what is required and strategically plan the use to avoid the medical marijuana interfering with your activities.

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