Life’s big and small adventures require durable gear that’s all the chicer if it makes a fun, fashionable statement. Who says high efficiency and handsomeness can’t go together? We sure don’t. Purple polarized sunglasses do more than shield your eyes. They make for a standout accessory that’s easy to spot in a crowd of people or among your other outdoor gear in Charleston.
Flatter Your Face and Your Wardrobe
Purple polarized sunglasses are an undeniably posh choice for paddle boarding with friends, but why stop at one color or design? Floating sunglasses are the new latte, with tons of hues, designs and shapes to choose. Shop square or round frames to best offset the shape of your face. Opt for wayfarers when only a traditional approach does the trick, or consider sportier, rounder silhouettes for crashing fishing charters or mini boating tourneys.
When Color Met Sunglasses Tech
Purple is as ancient as the Greeks, but polarized lenses are wonderfully modern. Polarization blocks horizontal light, the source of glare. Some sunglasses fuse both concepts seamlessly. Such polarization technology transforms the extra-bright, blinding surface of water into a painless, glare-free vista without diminution of clarity and color accuracy.
Polarized lenses also come in handy whenever you need to defeat glare while having fun in the sun, whether at the U.S. Open, cruising the Italian coast, dancing on the beach or owning your favorite slopes.
What Makes Purple Polarized Sunglasses Special
In addition to their vibrant hue, purple sunglasses consist of a highly sturdy, lightweight material called TPX. TPX has low density and high strength, making it lighter than the water it displaces. This gives the sunglasses floating ability, eliminating the potential tragedy of expensive, sinking sunglasses.
Special coatings prevent our lenses from scratching, fogging, collecting water or picking up fingerprint smudges or unsightly oil smears. UV protection keeps harmful rays from damaging your eyes. Discover the world of Rheos Gear polarized floating sunglasses today at.
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