Whether the problem is planned obsolescence or a larger number of components, newer large appliances generally do not last as long as older ones did. People who are fortunate enough to have an old washing machine, clothes dryer, or dishwasher may be able to keep it running for years to come. However, there probably will be at least one occasion when they need Appliance Repair Services in Council Bluffs NE.
Expected Equipment Lifespan
Today, a new clothes dryer is only expected to last about 13 to 15 years. That would be surprising news to people who are still using a clothes dryer they purchased decades ago and having no trouble with it. New washing machines, on average, fare even worse. They commonly need to be replaced after 12 years. Yet many men and women are still washing laundry in a machine they owned in the 20th Century. A new dishwasher now lasts an average of 12 years, but older homes may have a perfectly functional dishwasher that was installed in the 1970s.
Preventive Strategies
To delay the need for Appliance Repair Services in Council Bluffs NE, owners of the equipment can take steps to make sure the devices don’t have to work exceptionally hard. For instance, cleaning the lint trap in the clothes dryer after each use allows the appliance to work more efficiently. Washing machines should only be filled with laundry to about three-quarters full maximum. The laundry should be placed in loosely and not packed.
Old refrigerators typically are replaced when an expensive component fails because older models are significant energy hogs. People can still keep their refrigerators working as long as possible by occasionally cleaning dust from the coils. A full refrigerator or freezer also works more efficiently.
Repair, Inspection and Maintenance
When people are completely satisfied with their large appliances and don’t want to buy something new, they may contact a repair service if the machine malfunctions. Technicians with a company like could be asked to check over all the large appliances in the home during this appointment and perform any maintenance that could prevent breakdowns and extend the lifespan of those appliances.