Eating Organic: Why Your Family Should Get in on This Healthy Trend

by | Jun 20, 2018 | Health

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These days, there is a lot of talk about organic products. From food to beauty products to the materials our clothes are made from, Americans have a lot of opinions about organics. But is there a solid reason to consume organics over other products? Here are just a few reasons why you should shop the organic section more often:

Reducing Chemical Exposure

The pesticides, fertilizers and more that are used in growing non-organic products linger in those products when we eat, wear, or use them. Some of these chemicals include:

  • Pesticides and herbicides

  • Antibiotics

  • Growth hormones

  • Radiation

  • Sewage and other refuse that comes in contact with both plant and animal products

None of that is something that you want to ingest, is it? If you’re looking to reduce your family’s exposure to toxins and chemicals, buying organic is one way to do it.

Good for You, Good for the Planet

Products that are certified organic do not simply have fewer of the things you don’t want. They also contain more of what you do want. This means crops, livestock and other finished products that are higher-quality, more nutritious, tastier and simply better than those that are grown with chemicals and additives.

Organic farming practices are also the most ethical when it comes to utilizing natural resources properly. Farmers who raise their crops in an organic fashion rotate their crops properly, don’t use dangerous chemicals and treat their animals ethically. This means you can feel good about what you’re bringing into your home, both for you and the world around you.

More Accessible Than You’d Think

In today’s market, natural food stores are everywhere. Next time you’re looking for an organic food store near Salt Lake City, stop and take a look around. You might be surprised at just how available your favorite natural foods are. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, simply grab your phone or computer and shop the growing number of organic food stores with an online storefront offering straight-to-your-door delivery. You’ll be able to stick to your diet without wasting your time and gas driving across town or out of town to get the natural foods your family needs!

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