The enamel that covers your teeth is crucial in the prevention of cavities and some types of tooth nerve pain. The stronger your enamel is, the less likely you are to suffer from dental problems. However, it is important to remember that once the enamel on your teeth is gone, it is gone forever. By following these tips on preventing the loss of tooth enamel, you can be assured that you will have healthy teeth for years to come.
Ditch The Soda Pop
Soda has an incredibly high amount of sugar in it, which is quite destructive to your teeth. The sugar encourages the growth of bacteria which eat at the enamel on your teeth. Don’t think that diet soda is any better because it is not. The high acidity level can be just as harmful.
Drink Water With Citrus Fruits
While you definitely should not give up eating citrus fruits due to their high levels of vitamins, you do need to make sure their juices do not damage your tooth enamel. This is not generally a problem for those with already healthy teeth, but for those with weakened enamel, it can be an issue. To solve this issue, a cosmetic dentist in Itasca recommends drinking water after eating citrus fruit to help wash away the juices in your mouth.
Eat More Dairy
It’s true that some foods can weaken your tooth enamel, but it is also true that some food can help to strengthen it. Eating more dairy products can help in preventing the loss of tooth enamel.
If you need to schedule an appointment with a dentist, contact Brian Homann, DDS.