Dumb Things Men Do when Dating – and How You Can Avoid Them

by | Aug 19, 2014 | Lifestyle & Relationship

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Most men mean well; however, there are some situations where even the very best men who have the purest intentions just seem to put their foot in their mouth. While you may feel as if you are the only lady you have ever met a guy who gave mixed signals, you definitely are not. Some of the dumbest things that men do when Dating in Ri and how to avoid them are highlighted here.

Not Speaking Up

Lying for no apparent reason is never a good idea. If you want to spend some time with your guy friends, be honest about it, instead of making up a lie that you are sick and would rather stay in. Chances are you will be more respected for your honesty.

Not Thinking Before they Speak Up

There are many situations where a guy will simply say the very first thing that comes in their minds – with absolutely no filter. The fact is that this can be in reference to anything from a girl’s outfit, her best friend and even her dog. An important tip for guys is to think prior to opening their mouths.

Giving a One-Word Answer

There are a number of guys who try their hand at online dating and send messages to girls that are short and not-so-sweet. For example, “hi.” Think about it guys, what is a girl supposed to do with that. Show a little originality, ask a question or simply tell them they look nice – anything more than a one-liner.

Interrogating Your Date

While you should ask your date questions to keep the conversation going, you do not want to turn it into an interrogation or interview. After all you want to date this person, not hire them, right?

Not Being Up Front about Your Intentions

Many guys will begin dating a girl saying they do not want a relationship and then they will act like you are in one. If you are texting or calling the girl each day and you really want to hang out, then you should stop pretending that you do not want a relationship with that person – mixed signals are completely worthless.

The fact is that women do dumb things too; however, there are some men who simply do not realize what they should not do. With the tips here you can see how to date and how not to date.

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