If you are more than 100 pounds over-weight, Bariatric Surgery in Hartford might be the answer for you. Quality of life and health issues such as cardiac disease, joint pain and breakdown, high blood pressure and diabetes are a few of the health problems caused by being severely over-weight. The length of your life is also shortened dramatically, cutting short a life spent with your loved ones. There are several options available, both permanent and reversible depending on your health history and needed weight loss.
The lap band procedure is reversible and minimally invasive. Restrictive in application, a silicone band is placed around the upper portion of the stomach, creating a small pouch that will hold approximately 1 ounce of food. The band has a balloon around the inside that can be filled with saline, restricting the food intake further. Taking about 90 minutes it requires less recovery time and requires no stomach stapling or removal. It is a fairly low risk Bariatric Surgery Hartford
Laparoscopic Vertical Banded Gastroplasty (VBG) surgery is slightly more invasive, but is also reversible. A portion of the stomach is stapled and divided from the rest of the stomach, again a one ounce pouch is created. No other surgery is performed and digestion is uninterrupted. This procedure requires an overnight stay and the recovery time is a little longer. Patients generally return to work within two to three weeks.
The Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy is non-reversible and more involved. Approximately 85% of the stomach is removed. The digestive process is not altered, but the quantity of food is restricted dramatically and requires a hospital stay. The final capacity of the stomach is generally one to five ounces.
Lapparoscopic Roux-en-y Gastric Bypass is perhaps the most dramatic and invasive of all the procedures. A small section of the stomach is separated from the stomach and a portion of the small intestine is rerouted to the bottom of it, restricting food intake. This procedure has a number of unpleasant side effects, requires a longer recovery time and permanent dietary restrictions.
Obesity in America is on the rise. Diets, programs, and special classes do not help everyone lose the weight necessary to return to a normal and healthy lifestyle. It may be that a surgical procedure can be the tool that will save your life.