How Does A Dentist in Highlands, NC Repair Tooth Damage?

by | Feb 5, 2014 | Dentist

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Many people experience tooth damage each year and are not aware a dentist in Highlands, NC can often fix the damage, if you are seen in time. Injuries, cavities and infection can all cause you to experience tooth damage. When these damages occur, your teeth can become broken, cracked, chipped and even knocked out. Even in instances where your tooth has been completely knocked out, the dentist still may be able to place the tooth back in your mouth and save it from being lost permanently. The faster you seek dental care, the better the chances of you saving your tooth will be.

How are Damaged Teeth Repaired by the Dentist?

1. Breaks — When a piece breaks off of your tooth, there is very little that can be done to put the piece back. Your dentist can still repair the damage and help you to prevent tooth loss. First, the dentist will smooth any sharp edges from the break. The tooth will then be filled, sealing off any exposed nerve tissue. This will help to prevent further damage. If the tooth is missing a large piece, the dentist may make the decision to cover it in a crown, so it is protected and stronger.

2. Cracks — For cracked teeth, the dentist will typically use a special dental compound to seal the cracks. This material is much like the filling material used to close a cavity. If the crack is not severe, this may be able to seal the tooth and prevent further breakage. If the tooth structure is compromised, a crown can cover it and protect it from being damaged any further.

3. Knocked out teeth –– In the event your tooth becomes completely knocked out, you should place it in a cup of cold water or milk and get to the dentist as soon as possible. This may allow your dentist to place the tooth back in the socket and suture it in place until it heals.

If your tooth has become damaged, seeing A Dentist in Highlands, NC can help to get it repaired. Contact the dental office of James O. Redmond DDS and allow him to take care of your teeth and gums.

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