Dedicated Elder Law Attorneys for Victims of Nursing Home Neglect

by | Aug 18, 2014 | Lawyer

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If you suspect your loved one may have been the victim of nursing home abuse, it’s important to take swift, decisive action. Once you’ve taken steps to uncover evidence and have reported your findings to law enforcement, it’s an excellent idea to recruit a skilled elder law attorney. An experienced lawyer will know the ins and outs of the legal system, and will provide you with sound advice to ensure both justice and adequate compensation are delivered.

Forms of Abuse
In nursing homes, elder abuse takes many forms, including neglect, financial exploitation, and imprisonment. These types of abuse often result in physical, mental, and emotional damage on the part of the abused. Some signs of abuse are easily noticed, and some require attentiveness and close observation. If you have reason to believe your elderly family member is in an abusive situation, contacting an elder law attorney is the most intelligent way to proceed with a claim.

Recognizing the Signs
Physical signs of abuse can include, but aren’t limited to: bruising, dehydration, weight loss, injuries from falls, broken bones, bedsores, and other serious injuries. Mental and emotional abuse can also manifest in many ways, including depression, anger, anxiety, and fear of staff members. When an elderly individual is being financially abused, the evidence is often apparent in the form of inexplicable withdrawals, missing possessions, and new, unwarranted modifications to important probate documents.

What Can You Do?
There are a few crucial steps to take if you believe a loved one has become the victim of physical, verbal, or financial abuse. For one, it’s a good idea to gather as much evidence as possible to help prove your claim. Secondly, to prevent further abuse, remove your loved one from the facility as soon as possible. Thirdly, once you’ve gathered substantial evidence and testimonials, it’s best to get law enforcement involved. Lastly, speaking with a lawyer who’s well-practiced in elder law will provide additional insight into your next course of action.

Choose Adept Representation
Cases involving elderly abuse require the assertiveness and legal know-how of a well-practiced lawyer. Rather than having to plan a well-thought-out presentation for your claim, you can focus on making sure your loved one gets the care they need. Your trusted legal representative will handle preparing the case for you and work toward bringing those responsible for your family member’s abuse to justice.

Damages Typically Awarded
In successful elderly abuse cases, plaintiffs are typically awarded compensatory damages. Compensatory damages attempt to reimburse an individual for any pain, suffering, and emotional distress they endured throughout their ordeal. Naturally, lost wages aren’t typically factored into compensatory damages in elder abuse cases. However, like other types of legal claims, punitive damages are sometimes awarded to dissuade the defendant from behaving similarly in the future.

The Law Offices of Steven J. Malman & Associates, P.C. has extensive experience representing Chicago clients in cases of nursing home abuse. Visit Sitename to learn more about their legal services and extensive knowledge of abuse case laws.

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