Dealing With Nursing Home Abuse

by | May 31, 2017 | Lawyers

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It is becoming the norm for families to need income from two wage earners, the result is that many people place their trust and confidence in a nursing home as they are not capable of caring for their elder loved one any other way. Nursing homes today is an industry and all too often the staff and administration put profitability above the needs and the rights of their elderly residents. Both state and federal laws exist that give the residents of nursing homes rights.

The majority of cases against nursing homes are based on the fact that the facility fails to give their residents the care they need be it health, support or protection. As a result, many seniors are injured or they live in fear and deprivation of a dignified existence. In situations such as this it behooves the family to engage the professional services of nursing home abuse lawyers in Chicago.

Failure to care for elderly residents:

In situations where the elderly resident is not properly cared for injuries such as bed sores can appear. Bed sores are not only painful but if they are not treated they can lead to infection and worse. The same is true for nutrition; proper nutrition and hydration are essential, often, as a result of staff shortages insufficient attention is paid to the daily dietary needs of residents. The resident has the right to expect that their dietary needs will be attended to, especially in light of the fact that many lack the motor skills to eat and drink unaided.

When people reach their golden years they have the right to expect that they will be accorded a dignified existence. When the family reaches the decision that the best care for their elderly loved one can be found in a nursing home, it is expected that they will get the care that is needed for their well-being. If an elder loved one is mistreated the solution lays in the hands of nursing home abuse lawyers in Chicago.

Nursing home abuse lawyers in Chicago should be brought in when there appears that their loved one is being mistreated or abused. To discuss the particulars of your situation you are invited to contact the Law Office of Scott D. DeSalvo, LLC.

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