Deal With The SSDI Process With A Social Security Lawyer

by | Aug 7, 2014 | Lawyers

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People mistakenly believe it’s quite easy to get Social Security disability benefits. On the contrary, getting approved for these benefits is much harder than you can imagine. The initial process is extremely long, and there’s no guarantee your claim will be accepted. If it’s denied, the appeals process is even longer and is just as tedious.

You may even need a Social Security Lawyer to assist you at some point. Let’s take a look at a few tips that just might help you get your benefits sooner than you think.

Many individuals have a tendency to wait until the last minute to file for their Social Security disability benefits. Don’t rely on your bank account to get you through this tough time. Before you know it you’ll be strapped for cash. Applications don’t take weeks to get approved.

In fact, the application process can last up to a year or more. It can take you even longer to receive your benefits if your initial application is denied. That being said, file your initial application as soon as possible.

Trying to organize and file your claim on your own is much too risky. For most people the process becomes overwhelming, and it can only get more complicated. Consider having yourself represented by a Social Security Lawyer in your area. Not only will handing the job over to a lawyer help you relax, but it’ll also increase your chances of receiving your benefits the first time around. Your lawyer will provide you with much needed information, help you with your paperwork, and will also attend your hearing.

It’s vital that you keep track of your physical condition, and that you record all symptoms and injuries you experience. The best way to do this is to seek treatment from a professional physician. A doctor will examine you and provide you with a detailed diagnosis. The information your doctor provides should be included in your claim. Being backed by such a professional makes your disability claims much more valid.

Take these tips into account if you find yourself disabled and unable to work. Again, filing your claim as soon as possible may help you avoid financial hardship. Don’t approach the process alone. Remember to seek the help of a lawyer at the William D. McGillicuddy Law Office PC, and speak to a doctor to verify your injuries.

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