It is important for your pet’s well being that you maintain a good relationship with your veterinarian. There are a few things that can ensure that you and your veterinarian in Chicago have a positive, long lasting relationship.
Be on time: When someone is late for their appointment with a doctor or dentist you know from experience how it can disrupt the rest of the days schedule. The same thing is true for your vet. If you run into a snag and you know that you will arrive late; call the clinic.
Bring your own pet: When your pet is ill, do you think that your neighbor or relative knows the background and symptoms? Always bring your pet to the veterinarian clinic yourself. Remember; your pet cannot speak for itself, it needs you to explain to the vet what you have observed.
Be prepared to go into detail: If your pet begins to show signs of distress it may be necessary for you to observe for a day or two so you are in a position to provide the vet with accurate and timely information. If your pet acts strange and this leads to something else, all this insight can help the vet make a correct diagnosis.
Listen to what your vet tells you: You may know your pet better than the veterinarian in Chicago but you rely on the vet to keep your pet healthy. Listen closely and follow the vet’s advice, your vet is giving your insight because he or she has your pet’s best interest at heart. Listen closely and ask questions if you are unsure.
Keep up to date with vaccinations and routine care: Taking your pet in to the vets annually for a routine checkup and vaccinations gives the vet a reference point in the event it should become ill. When the vet has information on record about the animal’s weight, general condition, food intake, etc can make it easier to understand what might be wrong.
By respecting your veterinarian in Chicago you can be assured that both you and your pet will benefit. The vet, his or her staff and the clinic facilities are all there to maintain the health and well being of your pet.
If you are looking for a great veterinarian in Chicago you are invited to contact the caring staff at Metropolitan Veterinary Center. The clinic is open early and closes late for your convenience. Follow MetroVet Chicago on Twitter for latest news.