Cosmetic Dentist Services in Lafayette, LA Help Wage the War on Gum Disease

by | Oct 29, 2013 | Dentist

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Everybody wants to have healthy teeth and a good smile to boot. Not many understand how to maximize the opportunity for their choppers to be healthy; thereby, they fall prey to gum disease and other ailments of the mouth. Seventy-five percent of adults are afflicted with periodontal disease, and in the more severe cases, they end up with oral surgery or even a worse case, losing their teeth. The major cause of these gum diseases is plaque. Because it is a clear film, people have a hard time detecting it and if the plaque is not soon removed, it becomes tartar. This leads to gingivitis, which makes the gums bleed easily; gingivitis untreated becomes periodontal disease and finally the unfortunate victim begins to lose his or her teeth. It sounds frightening and horrible, as it should, but there are Cosmetic Dentist Services in Lafayette LA that want to help you and other individuals wage war on gum disease.

The family and cosmetic dentistry of Michael Young, D.D.S. tells you how you can help yourself combat gum disease, and it largely has to do with your diet. Apart from the obvious ill effects of overwhelming your teeth with sweets, there are actually some foods you can eat that will give you the ammunition to protect your pearly ivories longer. Plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables can go a long way in fortifying the longevity of your teeth. More than fighting colds and other common bacterial infections, fruits loaded with vitamin C, such as oranges and tangerines, are great for fighting gum disease. Leafy veggies like kale, cabbage or collards provide the body not only with vitamin K, which fights against easy bleeding and bruising, but with vitamin E, which helps fight gum disease. Other foods that can help are nuts and fatty fish such as tuna or salmon.

To get more gum disease prevention tips, visit Michael Young, D.D.S. of Family & Cosmetic Dentistry at Sitename, and read his blogs to keep updated with gum disease and oral hygiene. His dental practice ensures to keep you with a clean bill of oral health. As one of the Cosmetic Dentist Services in Lafayette, LA, Family & Cosmetic Dentistry offers competitive affordability for their services. They readily welcome patients from neighboring cities.

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