Cool Your Home Efficiently With Residential AC in Richmond VA

by | Nov 11, 2014 | Plumbers & Plumbing Contractors

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Keeping your home cool is a hard job. However, you can make things a little easier with a few simple steps. First, keep the AC filter changed regularly. This is the first defense in eliminating dust and debris from entering the system. Second, have your appliance checked on an annual basis. Yearly service checks ensure the appliance is functioning properly and is fully charged. This in turn will keep the appliance operating at peak efficiency which will keep your utility costs low.

A Residential AC in Richmond VA is a very durable device, but even the best equipment can fail. The AC can break in several places. One of the most common is the condenser. This device compresses the refrigerant so it can circulate through the home and collect heat. Condensing the refrigerant causes a state change which allows the chemical to store heat. The heat is forced outside the home where it is released into the atmosphere. The condenser can fail by locking up, freezing up or motor burn out.

The next most common failure in an air conditioner is around the evaporator coil. This coil produces condensation as it draws in the surrounding heat. This condensation can mix with dirt on the coil or in the air causing a buildup of moist gunk. This can cause cold spots or freezing on the coil which can result in a rupture. A ruptured coil allows the refrigerant to leak away and the AC will no longer function. If you suspect this problem be sure to shut the system down because the refrigerant carries the lubrication for the condenser. Without it the condenser will overheat.

Eventually, every air conditioning appliance will fail. When this happens, you want an expert to replace it. It pays to select the same company that will be servicing the unit. Familiarity with the appliance makes your repairs much easier which gives you more time for the important things in life. Ensuring your AC is energy efficient and well maintained is the best way to save energy. If you are in need of installation, service or repair for your Residential AC in Richmond VA be sure to contact M.A. Williams Inc.

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