Choosing the Right Car Batteries

by | Nov 14, 2016 | Electronics and Electrical

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When it comes to choosing the right car batteries, most of us only think of just getting one off the shelf and then having it installed. In most cases, this is perfectly alright. If you purchase from a reputable dealer with adequate assessment and diagnostic services, they will be able to pick out the appropriate size and type of battery for you.

However, there are a few extra things you might want to look out for just to make sure you get your money’s worth.

Production Date

First of all, check the recommended battery for the production date. When choosing car batteries, make sure to request one that is less than six months from this date. You will find that the production date is a bit discreet. It is usually a letter followed by a number. The letter stands for the month. Batteries produced in January will have the letter A, February will have a B, and so on until December, which has an M. The number stands for the last digit of the year it was produced. 2015 batteries will have a 5, while 2016 batteries will have a 6.

The six month rule functions kind-of like the best before date in food. Although batteries don’t necessarily spoil the way food does, you’ll still get more out of it the fresher it is.

Cold-Cranking Amps

If you live in a cold climate, you want to get a battery which has a high CCA rating. This number represents the amount of power that car batteries can deliver on startup at about -17 ºC.

This is an important number because chemical reactions slow down in cold weather. If you’ve ever had any difficulty starting your car on a snowy morning, then you probably want to get a battery with a higher CCA than you already have.


Car batteries are usually maintenance-free or low maintenance. Maintenance-free batteries are those that do not need any water added to them at intervals. While this may seem ideal, it’s not the best if you live or travel to hot climates.

Low maintenance batteries have openings in them where you can add water. This is important when driving in hot temperatures, since the battery is then more prone to overheating. Adding water helps you regulate the temperature in the battery, saving you from costly breakdowns. For more information related, car batteries visit at website. You can also follow them on Google+ for more updates.

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