The biggest thing to determine before you start searching for a home care aide in Lakeland to assist your aging parent is exactly what it is that your parent is going to need. There are two kinds of in-home care; they are custodial and skilled care. You need to determine which your parent is going to need. Read on below for a few tips on how to choose the right home care aide to meet those needs.
Create a Job Description
Once you have determined what exactly it is that your parent needs in a home care aide in Lakeland, you need to create a job description to go by. After you have written that description, take it to the senior home care agency of your choice, and they will help you determine which of their caregivers will work perfectly for you.
Prepare to Interview
Once you have found a home care agency that you think will meet the needs of your elderly parent, it’s time to prepare for the interview. Call and schedule an interview time and then write down a list of questions that you want to ask the home care aide. Make sure that you ask to see the home care aide the company is thinking of sending to your home. You want to know her before she begins her duties. If at all possible, take your parent to the interview with you. After all, they are the ones that have to get along with their caregiver, so they should have the final say on who comes into their home.
These are just a few of the best tips for finding a home care aide to assist your aging parent. For more information and to schedule your interview today, contact Comfort Keepers for help.