Child Support Lawyers in Vista CA – Explaining The Ins and Outs of Child Support

by | Apr 24, 2020 | Lawyers

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When a family is dissolved, it results in a contest or an agreement that creates a custodial and a non-custodial parent. The non-custodial parent is required to pay child support to the parent who has primary custody. However, the law does not impose this requirement to step parents, as they are perceived as individuals who have no legally binding obligation to take care of the child’s welfare. Child support is the contribution that a parent makes to take care of the child’s education, shelter, healthcare and food.

When parents fail to agree informally about how the child shall be raised, they end up in the court where orders are issued. The critical issue that must be determined during a child support case: which amount of money shall constitute child support for the child. Since the court process of determining child support cases is complex and time consuming, most parents view it as a waste of time, often resorting to mediation. Whether you choose to pursue your child support case through a court process or mediation, it is wise to appreciate the critical role of Child Support Lawyers in Vista CA in helping parents such as you in resolving child support issues.

Each case is different, and the court will determine the periodic payments that a non-custody parent will pay directly to the custodial parent or via a collection agency. This is because child support cases are determined on a case-to-case basis. What determines the amount to be paid as child support? Numerous circumstances influence the decision of the court when determining the amount. These factors include the age of the child, educational needs, the heath status of the child and the real or perceived standards of living that the child would have experienced had the parents continued staying together as husband and wife.

States have different methodologies of arriving at the specific amount to be paid as child support. However, custodial and non-custodial parents can work with their Child Support Lawyers Vista CA to defend their financial bases accordingly. For instance, a custodial parent may hire a lawyer to investigate the non-custodial parent’s financial position to help fight for the maximum possible child support. If you are faced with child support issues or anticipate that a matter of this nature shall arise, consider retaining Gold Mine Of Merritt Island LLC who are highly experienced Child Support Lawyers Vista CA.

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