Chicago Children Legally Deserve Child Support

by | Nov 3, 2015 | Law

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A child should never be a pawn in a divorce. Both parents should continue to provide love and monetary support no matter how they feel about each other. In Chicago, as is true in most states, provinces and cities across North America, the law agrees with the public sentiment. For clarification of the matters and to ensure all parties understand what is involved, separating and/or divorcing parents turn to a child support lawyer.

Defining Child Support

Child support, at its very basics, is the amount of money a parent defined as “non-custodial,” must pay to the custodial parent. This will include money for such things as:

  • The essentials of life: food, clothing and housing
  • Transportation
  • Activities
  • Medical care costs

The parent in Chicago who does not have custody of the child may also be required to pay for other matters including’

  • Daycare
  • Extracurricular activities – e.g. sports, school trips, dance, music, etc.
  • Private school expenses
  • Not covered medical expenses

Child support orders stay in effect until the child is 18. Exceptions may be made. Your child support lawyer will be able to explain them to you. He or she will also be able to guide you through the very complicated formula that determines the amount of child support expected from a parent under Illinois law.

Child Support Guidelines and Requirements in Illinois

The amount of child support a parent must pay is, as noted above, derived from a complex formula.  Simply stated, the amount required from a parent is based on two specific factors:

  1. The net income of the non-custodial parent
  2. The number of children involved

Both are necessary factors your child support lawyer needs to establish a child support order in Chicago, Illinois.

Your lawyer will determine the amount using a formula that states the amount paid for each child is a percentage of the net income of the non-custodial parent. For example, if the parents had one child, the amount is 20%; if two, this increases to 28% and, so it increases up to 50% of the net income of the non-custodial parent if six or more children are involved.

As for the non-custodial parent – his or her net income is also based specifically on what the law considers income. The net income is the total of all money coming from a variety of sources including wages, tips and commissions. Also included are:

  • Salary
  • Bonuses
  • Overtime Pay
  • Rental Income
  • Retirement Income
  • Disability Payments
  • Severance Pay
  • Worker’s Compensation Benefits
  • Interest
  • Dividends
  • Capital Gains
  • Trust Income
  • State Lottery Winnings

Other forms of income are excluded. These are both your federal and state income tax as well as your social security and union dues. Your child support lawyer can provide you with the specifics.

Work with a Child Support Lawyer

If you are going through a separation or divorce in Chicago, contact a lawyer. He or she is there to help you understand the issues surrounding the matter, including child support. A child support lawyer is your best chance at ensuring the support money paid is in line with the laws of Illinois.

If you are going through a divorce and are wondering about the consequences for your children, get in touch with Gordon & Perlut, LLC. As a family law firm who handles divorce, they are also the offices of the one of the state’s most experienced Chicago Child Support Lawyer. They have the knowledge and skills to provide you with the legal guidance you require. To learn how they will provide you with the attention, commitment and even aggressive action you case deserves, contact them online at

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