You Can Stop Sexual Harassment By Hiring A Lawyer Who Has Experience With Enforcing The Laws

by | Nov 3, 2014 | Lawyers & Law Firms

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Harassment of a sexual nature is one of the most devastating experiences a woman can encounter. Harassment in the work place creates a hostile work environment for the victim, and it sets off a chain of emotional and physical conditions which are debilitating. The victim feels threatened with the loss of her job, and she is most often uncomfortable with saying anything to her superiors. Unfortunately, women who complain of harassment are labeled as complainers, or the label troublemakers is even worse. The victims often do not know who to complain to, or even if they have enough evidence about the harassment. This leaves the victim in the position not being able to prove the harassment.

However, people who commit Sexual Harassment often leave a trail of emails, notes, phone messages and. of course, verbal conversations. The first line of defense is to tell the perpetrator that his advances and requests are unwelcome and he should stop. Often, a man will ask a colleague out on a date which may be harmless. After all, attractions in the work place are not uncommon. However, if the woman makes it clear she has no intention of dating and the man continues to ask several times, then the requests are considered harassment. There is always the question of proof. One way to collect proof is to wear a wire and tape every conversation the perpetrator has with you.

If at any time, actions by a colleague are considered to be unwelcome and they continue, then it is time to seek legal counsel with extensive experience in work place sexual harassment. Many Federal and state laws are on the books to clearly establish harassment of a sexual nature to be illegal and punishable.

Collect information on the dates and circumstances of the actions, and the date(s) you requested the actions to stop. The lawyers at The Law Offices of Filteau & Sullivan will not charge for a meeting to review your issues and tell you what your options are. He can protect your job, and his involvement will stop the harassment. However, you should pursue your right and just compensation for the suffering you have experienced.

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