Build Your Cloud with the eSkyCity Cloud Pricing Calculator

by | Sep 5, 2014 | Internet Marketing

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If you’ve seen how the reliability, security and system performance offered by eSkyCity’s cloud hosting services make it a powerful solution, you can learn even more by designing your ideal cloud experience with our cloud pricing calculator.

Guided by the values of quality and flexibility, the services of eSkyCity are designed for customization by clients who don’t need or want a one-size-fits-all solution.

Our cloud pricing calculator can help you determine what you do need for every facet of service, as well as the total cost of each service, and the fee for all services combined.

We believe that the ability to build your cloud places the power of cloud computing in the hands of the user, where it should be. Whether you’re an old pro with cloud dynamics or are in the process of migrating to a technology that‘s new to you, our goal is to offer a painless and transparent process.

Take advantage of our cloud pricing calculator to better understand all that we offer in a comprehensive solution as flexible as it is powerful.

How the Cloud Pricing Calculator Works
To build your cloud with the cloud pricing calculator, simply use our interactive tool to select the services that fit your needs.

As you build your cloud, you’ll probably find that it’s a lot like designing a massive, virtual computer — which is basically what it is.

The calculator will allow you to select everything from the number of virtual central processing units, or vCPUs, to the amount of disk space and RAM, or rapid-access memory, that you require. Additional options include ranges in bandwidth, number of IP addresses, and quantity of servers.

As your cloud experience is completely customizable, you’ll find that the cloud calculator also allows you to choose your operating-system template, as well as your control panel — assuming that you opt for a control panel.

Under the management option, you’ll see that there are four choices that range from no management at all to “monitoring, patching and intensive management.” This element of our solution enables you to select the amount of management you desire, with the highest level ensuring that your system is always under our vigilant care.

Lastly, our cloud hosting services offer simple yes-or-no options for load balancing and virus protection.
Whether or not you’re well versed in the concepts and services associated with cloud computing and hosting, we understand that you may have questions or need assistance in determining exactly what your needs are.

We’d be happy to assist you in pinpointing the types and style of services that would best suit your business.

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