While Browsing Homes for Sale, Afton MN Residents Need a Personable Agent

by | Jun 4, 2014 | Real Estate

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Although it’s very exciting to evaluate homes for sale, Afton, MN residents, like people elsewhere in the country, often decide the task will be much easier by working with a real estate agent. If that’s something you’re considering, it’s important to find someone who is very personable, that you enjoy being around.

Set Up an Informal Meeting

Because they’re often in a rush to start checking out homes for sale, Afton MN individuals sometimes hire a real estate agent without first making an effort to get to know him or her. Remember, you’ll be working in close contact with a person, so it needs to be someone you feel like is trustworthy.

It’s not enough if one of your friends says a particular agent was an ideal fit for a certain situation. You need to gauge the compatibility level for yourself. To do that, plan a very casual meeting, such as one that happens in a local café during a quiet part of the afternoon. That’ll give you the chance to ask questions and determine whether or not you think the agent can meet your needs.

Get to the Heart of Motivations

During the initial meeting prior to hiring an agent to check out homes for sale, Afton MN residents are in ideal positions to decide whether a person seems truly committed to helping people find satisfying places to live, or whether the goal is to just make sales, get the commission, and move on.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions that will help you make that judgment. Think of your meeting as something akin to a job interview.

Don’t Make Quick Decisions

It’s rarely a good idea to decide things extremely quickly when it comes to any part of the process that goes with finding homes for sale. Afton, MN agents should understand if you’re not ready to seal the deal by hiring them right away.

If necessary, explain how you need some time to make your decision, and give the agent a time within which you will call him or her back with your final answer about working together. Sometimes, you’ll be able to tell right away whether someone has a personality that will complement your own, but that is not always the case.

You now have some ideas about how to find an agent with a personality that’ll work well with your own. Use the tips above to enjoy a more productive search.

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