The Bible offers Inspiration and Aspiration

by | Jan 30, 2014 | Religion

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Many people turn to the bible for inspiration throughout their lives. This is a wonderful way to feel closer to God as well as a way to understand how best to live your life. The bible can also provide aspiration to keep your eyes on the prize and meet your goals. Inspiration infuses your heart and mind with motivation while aspiration gives you the desire to use your motivation to do well in your life. God wants you to feel inspired by his word and follow through with goals to live a life that spreads his work through your actions.

Inspiration is a Sign

Think of inspiration from the bible as a sign. It is the beacon that you should hold before you to remind you that God is with us and speaking to us everyday. Many people find a bible prophecy online is a wonderful inspiration to keep them focused and motivated to live by God’s word. They find strength to continue to live in faith. They also can get a better understanding of what God’s plans are for them, not by foreseeing the future, but by showing the way to happiness and fulfilment. Inspiration is at the heart of faith goading us on to carry on safe in the fact that God loves us.

Aspiration is a Result

Aspiration becomes the result of what we can achieve when motivated by inspiration by the bible. When you understand where God wants you to go and where he sees your strengths can take you, you will pursue the hopes and dreams God intends for you. Only with God’s love and a faith in the strength of his love can you meet your goals. And with the combination of inspiration from the words of the bible and the aspirations God has for you to spread his word by living a good and happy life you will be able to meet your goals. Faith in God is believing in yourself and meeting your goals with confidence and thankfulness.

Remembering that the bible is always there to guide and enlighten you is an important aspect of faith. Your faith should inspire you to always aspire to be better and stronger in your faith and therefore closer to God.

If you would like to learn more about receiving a bible prophecy online visit and discover the strength and enlightenment you can enjoy with a better understanding of God’s word.

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