Being Awarded Divorce Alimony in Claremont

by | Apr 30, 2013 | Lawyers

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If you are facing the possibility of a divorce, you may have a great deal of questions about Divorce Alimony Claremont. Your questions may be basic such as what is alimony or you may have different questions as to how alimony is calculated and how good your chances are at being awarded alimony.

The first thing to understand is that alimony is financial compensation awarded by the courts to a divorced spouse. This financial compensation is also known as spousal support and it allows the spouse the financial means to live in the style that they had become accustomed to while being married.

There are many different circumstances and situations that factor into a judge awarding spousal support or alimony. One of the main contributors to how much money a divorce court will award a divorced spouse in alimony is the ability of the other spouse to pay.

This is where having an experienced divorce attorney can come in quite handy. The spouse that is looking at the prospects of having to pay alimony, especially a large sum of alimony, may work very hard at hiding their financial assets legally so as to appear to the judge as someone who doesn’t have the means to pay a respectable amount of alimony per month to their divorced spouse.

An experienced divorce attorney has likely seen this tactic used many times before. They can do the necessary research to uncover financial assets or get the truth when it comes to the facts as it relates to a spouse’s ability to pay alimony, regardless of how elaborate their plans are to hide assets from the court.

If you’re facing a divorce and you’re concerned about your quality of life from a financial standpoint, there is a chance that the courts will award you Divorce Alimony Claremont to help you enjoy a lifestyle similar to what you had before you were divorced. However, with tactics to hide assets and information that can determine a spouse’s ability to pay not being uncommon, it’s important to have the right divorce attorney on your side. You may be entitled to alimony payments and you’ll need a legal professional working on your behalf to ensure that you get every penny that you deserve.

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