The state of Texas applies driving record points for specific traffic violations. These points represent traffic infractions and may cause the driver to incur surcharges. For example, the accumulation of six points results in a surcharge of $100. Any points added to the driving record beyond these initial points equates to a $25 charge per point. Any drivers who are accused of major infractions should contact a Traffic Violations Attorney in Royse City TX to schedule an appointment.
Traffic Violations and Penalties
Any convictions that appear on the driver’s record will incur a surcharge for the next three years. The driver must pay these fees each year or suffer harsher penalties. The annual charges are automatically applied after each conviction.
Drivers with a first-offense DUI are required to pay $1,000. DWI charges ranging up to a fourth offense incur a charge of $1,500. Any DWI in which the blood-alcohol content exceeded 0.16 percent requires the driver to pay $2,000. A failure to produce proof of insurance presents the driver with a charge of $250. Driving with a suspended license incurs a $250 charge; anyone who drives without acquiring a driver’s license is $100. These charges are paid annually for a three-year period.
All traffic violations remain on the driver’s record for at least three years. However, the DMV maintains the right to extend these postings at their discretion. Each moving violation incurs two points. Any traffic infraction that results in a car accident acquires three points. Drivers who wish to fight to have these points removed after the three-year period should contact a Traffic Violations Attorney in Royse City TX to assist them.
Drivers with multiple traffic violations could suffer an administrative license suspension. Conditions that allow this action are the accumulation of four or more points within a one-year period. Any seven of more convictions in a two-year period result in temporary lose of driving privileges.
At any time that the driver violates the driving restriction, he or she incurs an additional conviction. Drivers who require legal assistance for suspensions should call their preferred Traffic Violations Attorney for further details. To know more visit Law Office of Tim Hartley.