Ask Your Social Security Attorney In Orange County NY About The Appeal Process

by | Feb 23, 2012 | Legal Advice

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If you have applied for the Social Security benefits and the SSA has denied your claims, a social security attorney in Orange County NY can help you with your case. Do not give up because your application got denied, consult with an attorney and plan for the appeal process. Social Security Administration denies many first claims and you can always challenge and appeal that decision. A skilled attorney can guide you through the right appeal process and increase your chances for approval. There are four stages of the appeal process, named as, reconsideration process, administrative hearing, appeals council review process and finally Federal court.

Discuss The Reconsideration Process With Your Social Security Attorney In Orange County NY

If you have received the decision letter from SSA informing you that your application for Social Security Disability benefits has been denied then you have 60 days to request for reconsideration. This is also the first step of the appeals process. Complete your reconsideration request. A new examiner who did not work on your before claim will review file and the initial decision of denying your application. Very rarely you will find the decision turned around at this stem as the reconsideration is done in the SSA office that denied the application initially. SSA’s website has the required forms that must be completed for reconsideration.

Discuss The Administrative Hearing Process With Your Social Security Attorney In Orange County NY

Administrative Hearing is the second step in the appeal process. If your application is denied after this first step, you can request a hearing in the next 60 days. An administrative law judge considers your case during this hearing process. This gives you the chance to provide more information on your case to get the decision in your favor. You might need to answer the questions from the judge and present the witnesses to testify.

At this stage, it is recommended to hire a Social Security attorney in Orange County NY to represent your case. Attorneys are familiar and experienced with this process and will provide the required information to the judge.

Discuss The Appeals Council Review and Federal Court With Your Social Security Attorney In Orange County NY

If the administrative law judge denied your case, you have another 60 days to request a review by the Appeals Council. They will review of your claim, they will also review the decision made by the judge along with the evidence presented during Administrative Hearing and will decide accordingly. This process can take between 3-24 months. And finally, if you disagree with the decision made by Appeals council, you can file a lawsuit in a federal district court. Your SSDI benefits can still be denied by the Federal judge and your case might be sent to a lower court for an additional hearing or to approve your claim.

Find a skilled social security attorney Orange County NY to help you with your case.

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