When you get past your freshman year at college, you may gain the confidence and skills that you need to live independently. You no longer need the support and supervision that come from living in the dormitories on campus.
With that, you may turn your sights to finding a place off of campus into which to move. You can live independently yet still be close to campus by choosing the SAC State Student Housing near the university.
Proximity to Campus
Despite living on your own, you may not want to be so far away from campus that you have to take public transportation or drive yourself to and from classes. You want to be able to walk or bike there and get to class in plenty of time.
The apartments that are available to students are close enough to campus that you can readily walk or bicycle to campus. You avoid having to call a taxi, take the bus or drive yourself and pay for parking just to get to your classes each day.
Further, the apartments for independent students come with amenities that can suit you during the school year. They have closets for storing your belongings. They also offer privacy that you may not get in the dorms.
Find out more about the SAC State student housing available to you this school year. To get information like availability and pricing, contact Lark Sacramento for more information today.