Answers To Your Oklahoma City Adoption Questions

by | Jun 20, 2013 | Adoption

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If you find yourself pregnant and wondering about the possibility of giving your child up for adoption, you may have a few questions you want answers to first. That’s only natural. Below are the answers to a few questions you may have about the Oklahoma Adoption process and what you might be facing should you choose to have your child adopted.

Q. Is it too early or too late in my pregnancy to start talking to an agency?
A. No. Most agencies can help a mother put together an adoption plan, whether you’ve just discovered you’re pregnant or you’ve already given birth to your baby. No situation is too early or too late.

Q. What kind of criteria do the adoptive parents have to meet?
A. All potential adoptive parents must go through a complete home study before an adoption can even be considered. This evaluation includes verifying their income, a criminal background check done yearly (as some have been waiting years to adopt), interviews, home inspections, and references.

Q. Will an agency be able to help with any of my costs involved with having the baby?
A. In some cases, yes. Depending on your financial situation, a counselor can discuss with you the possibility of your housing, medical expenses and other costs related to the pregnancy being paid for by the adoptive parents.

Q. How much information will the baby know about the person who gave birth to him?
A. The basic information he/she has to know is the complete medical background, according to Oklahoma law. Other than that, it’s up to the birth mom and dad as to what other type of details they want the baby to know. Some birth parents want to continue to have contact with the child and its new family as he grows up, while other birth parents prefer to have more limited contact once the baby goes to live with its adoptive family. A counselor will work with the birth parents to figure out what type of arrangement will work best for you.

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