Sciatic nerve pain, or sciatica, is an unfortunate symptom of many underlying medical problems, including spinal stenosis and piriformis syndrome. The conditions causing this pain can be either chronic or acute, with some women even experiencing transitory sciatica during pregnancy. This term describes the tingling, numbness, and pain that is often the result of injury to the sciatic nerve. Often, this pain is localized to the lower back and legs and, without treatment, it can cause weakness of the muscles in addition to pain.
These unpleasant symptoms often contribute to a decrease in quality of life and ability to perform basic daily tasks. But, for patients looking for Sciatic Nerve Pain Relief in Boca Raton FL, there are plenty of options. The appropriateness of any treatment for an individual patient must be evaluated by an experienced medical professional. In some cases, surgery or pain medication may be the only options for relief. But, many patients can manage their pain and treat their symptoms using chiropractic care.
Spinal adjustments, particularly to the sacroiliac joints and the lower lumbar vertebrae, have been shown to result in a marked improvement in many patients. The amount of time it takes to notice this improvement will depend on the severity of the case, and most sufferers will require regular visits to the chiropractor to continue to reap the benefits of this treatment.
In addition to spinal adjustments, skilled chiropractic practitioners can reduce inflammation using ice therapy and increase circulation with using ultrasound techniques. Like spinal adjustment, these treatments require multiple sessions and, depending on the underlying condition, often provide only temporary relief. Many patients enjoy these regular visits, finding that managing their pain in a soothing environment rather than resorting to dangerous pain medications and surgeries is an empowering way to improve their daily lives.
The most effective way to get long-term sciatic nerve pain relief in Boca Raton FL is to address the underlying problem and relieve pressure on the sciatic nerve. This will not necessarily treat the condition causing this pressure, but it will provide a less temporary solution to managing its symptoms. Visit Boca Raton Orthopaedic Group to find out more about chiropractic treatments for this and other uncomfortable and often debilitating conditions.