Alternate Approaches to Low Back Pain and Bulging Discs in Glendale, AZ

by | Jun 29, 2021 | Chiropractic

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A bulging disc is a condition that can result in back or neck pain along with muscle weakness, pain, tingling or numbness in feet, legs, hands or arms. Without proper treatment, these can become permanent symptoms.

What is a Bulging Disc?

The vertebrae (bone sections in the spine) serve to protect the easily damaged spinal cord and its branching nerve roots. To allow flexibility for normal movement, these sections move atop each other with the help of gristle-encased and jelly-filled spacers between. Due to impacts like consistent poor posture, repeated stresses or injuries, small tears in outer fibers permit gel to leak from the center. This condition is known as a disc bulge.

Bone misalignment, called subluxation, most often accompanies a bulging disc and results in improper movement that stretches, compresses or aggravates fragile nerve structures.

Limitations of Current Corrective Approaches

Current options for bulging disc treatment in Glendale, AZ, range across a number of approaches. These include surgery or drugs. However, drugs or painkillers only temporarily conceal the pain.

Opioids also have a high rate of addiction and deaths due to overdose. And associations have also been found between NSAIDS, short for nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and secondary conditions, including stomach ulcers, heart disease and damage to the liver and kidneys.

Low-back surgery also has a 50-percent failure rate with an increased rate of failure on subsequent procedures.

Alternative Corrective Approaches

Doctors with applicable Advanced Proficiency Certification can offer non-surgical and drug-free approaches, including a new chiropractic technique known as Torque Release Technique. This approach adjusts the spine to correct misalignments and subluxation and help lessen nerve irritation.

The process involves consultation and a chiropractic examination with x-rays or even MRI advanced imaging, if necessary, to locate the source of pain and formulate a plan of action.

Other options for bulging disc treatment in Glendale, AZ are available, depending on the condition. These include:

  • Electrical stimulation to reduce muscle tension and pain
  • Decompression of the spine and its components, including discs, nerves and joints, to improve mobility
  • Leading-edge Class IV deep-tissue laser to decrease inflammation and pain and facilitate natural healing

The end goal of non-surgical, drug-free treatment is to correct underlying issues rather than cover over pain. These techniques, along with postural and spinal rehabilitation, aim to address the spine’s support structure and hasten healing and permanent corrective changes.

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