We’ve all noticed that we’ve been driving over the posted speed limit from time to time. Sometimes, police officers notice that too, and we’re cited for speeding. Aggravated speeding is something with more severe legal consequences. It’s an actual criminal offense and as per 625 ILCS 5/11-601.5, you can be charged with aggravated speeding if you are traveling at 26 mph or more over the posted speed limit. Aggravated speeding in Illinois is a class B misdemeanor, and it’s punishable by up to six months in jail and a fine of up to $1,500. If a person is charged with traveling at 35 mph or more over the speed limit, the offense is upgraded to a class misdemeanor that can carry 364 days in jail and a fine not to exceed $2,500.
A Sentencing Alternative
If you’re charged with aggravated speeding, you might be eligible for a sentencing alternative known as court supervision. Your aggravated speeding attorney will inquire about this. If a sentence of court supervision is imposed, no conviction of record will be entered so long as you comply with all terms and conditions of your supervision.
Terms of Supervision
Of course, you would be assessed a fine and court costs, and you would likely be ordered to successfully complete driver safety school. This can be completed at home over the internet. Take notice that supervision isn’t a sentencing alternative if you were charged with aggravated speeding in a school zone, construction zone or an urban area.
If you have been charged with aggravated speeding in Cook County, DuPage County or Lake County, an aggravated speeding attorney from the Driver Defense Team is available to represent you on a flat fee basis. Don’t hesitate to contact us with your questions. You can phone us at 312-940-8330, or you can use our online contact form. Remember that aggravated speeding is a criminal offense. You don’t want a conviction on your record.