Acupuncture Benefits for Fertility

by | Nov 18, 2014 | Healthcare

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There are several reasons why acupuncture works well in increasing chances of you becoming pregnant. When you get acupuncture for fertility in Miami you decrease stress hormones and it is helpful in increasing fertility chances. Since acupuncture does a great job of increasing blood flow through the reproductive system, it should be considered if you’re struggling to conceive. Acupuncture keeps your menstrual cycle regular, builds a better immune system and it strengthens the ovaries in particular.

Acupuncture Boosts Sperm Count

So you tried taking different supplements and you’re even considering an expensive surgery to increase your sperm count? Before you try these methods, visit your local acupuncturist because acupuncture has been shown to help you increase sperm count so that fertility will be a reality.

Better Balance of Hormones

Acupuncture boosts fertility by balancing the hormones. In particular, acupuncture is effective at balancing a woman’s follicle stimulating hormone, which is important in the conception process. The benefit of this is that the woman will be able to produce a better crop of eggs for fertilization with the man’s sperm after intercourse.

Acupuncture and In Vitro Fertilization

According to a research study from the British Medical Journal, women who used acupuncture were 65% more likely to succeed at in vitro fertilization than the women who struggled to conceive but who didn’t use acupuncture. There have been some other medical studies that have shown similar conclusions.

Combine Acupuncture With Tea Consumption for Fertility

Since tea and acupuncture are both a part of Chinese medicine, why not combine these to boost fertility? Raspberry leaf tea in particular is said to help in conception and it is also the case with the Red Clover Blossom. You can find these teas at most supermarkets, pharmacies, natural health stores and from online stores.

Ways You Can Supplement Acupuncture for Fertility

You can also boost your fertility chances by relieving stress. Read some inspirational books and talk to friends about some of the struggles you’re having. Take time out for prayer or meditation during the day and if necessary, take a nap for stress relief.
Acupuncture has plenty of benefits for those seeking to conceive and the good news is that this procedure is cost effective and non-invasive. With acupuncture you can get the treatment you need quickly and you can enjoy the fruits of the labor in the form of a pregnancy. You want to maintain a positive attitude during the process and don’t be afraid to ask the acupuncturist questions.

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