Active release technique therapy, ART is a style of bodywork which has as the focus the connective tissues of the body. This web of tissue is called the fascia and according to the practitioners of ART therapy in New York, can be the source of soft tissue pain as it holds pain, tension and strain. By releasing the strain on the connective tissue the therapist works to sooth the soft tissue pain and improves freedom of movement in the affected area.
ART therapy in New York is a type of massage therapy; it focuses on the pain and injuries in the body’s soft tissue. Most of the specialists that have received training in this look at the soft tissue system as a complete unit, stressing the fact that in order to treat the primary problem, the body must be treated as a whole. The types of massage treatments range from a sports massage to deep tissue and an advantage of this is that people, with the proper training can actually perform it on their own body.
There are many things that are behind tension in the fascia, a classic example of which many are guilty is poor posture however the fascia can easily be stressed through inadequate diet, exercising to the extreme and injury. In ART therapy the therapist can feel for that area of the body where tension exists, finding areas where there is hardness and heat. Once the area has been identified the therapist uses a range of techniques to release the tension and encouraging the area to relax. The techniques used resolve the hardness or the knot and when the area is massaged again it feels considerably softer.
When the therapist uses ART they know how to follow the tension that has built up in the fascia directly to the source. Once the source has been located they manipulate the area with very gentle pressure which encourages the fascia to release, after a couple of minutes the therapist can feel the area go slack as the tension releases.
ART therapy can actually be quite intense and many patients start out slowly thus getting used to the experience. The client is invited to communicate with the therapist and speak up if there is intense pain as this can actually be counterproductive.
ART therapy in New York is designed to repair dysfunctions in muscles, tendons and soft tissue. If you are suffering from a wide range of injuries and problems including joint pain then you are invited to contact Manhattan Sports Therapy.