Acquiring an MFA Degree from SAIC is Now Easier Than Ever

by | Mar 9, 2023 | Art And Design

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Attending our low residency MFA program at SAIC may be exactly what you need to complete the degree you have always wanted but didn’t have time for until now.

What “Low Residency” Means

Low residency means you spend less time living on campus and going to classes in person. That’s a huge benefit for a lot of people who want to pursue their MFA degree but have day jobs and don’t have the time or the ability to relocate to Chicago, IL.

However, low residency doesn’t mean that you won’t ever spend time on campus. This program does require a certain number of hours of on-campus coursework- Specifically, three consecutive six-week summer residencies.

Yes, it is Easier to Get Your MFA Degree

The low residency MFA program (Low-Res MFA) at SAIC does make it easier for many students to get their degrees. There’s less demand for physical presence and scheduling, and more time to complete classes off-campus.

Learn more about the program by visiting the School of the Art Institute of Chicago online and viewing the program brochure.

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